Discover books for every mood and moment

Looking for your next great read?
Having trouble finding books similar to your favorite authors?

We’ve all been there – finding the perfect book can be a journey. Whether you’re searching for bestsellers, hidden gems, or personalized recommendations, our app helps you find your next read. See how we can help you spend more time reading and less time searching!

Find books in varied genres

Whether you’re into thrillers, classics, romance, comedy, art, sci-fi, biography, travel, fantasy, horror, psychology, we’ve got something for everyone.

A screenshot displaying the Readpick mobile app's book list, where users are initially welcomed by their name, followed by a prompt to continue their exploration. This segment is organized into two rows, with the first featuring books recommended for the user, and the second showcasing books endorsed by celebrities.
A screenshot of the Readpick mobile app, where users have the option to personalize the app, so it better suits their needs. They can start the quiz by tapping Start the quiz button or they can skip it.

Personalized book recommendations

Take a quick initial quiz to refine your book recommendations. This personalized approach ensures that you receive suggestions tailored precisely to your reading preferences.

Furthermore, recommendations are always visible at the top of the Home tab. You can also refresh them once a week to discover new picks.

Browse books effortlessly

With Book Overview & Book Swiper features, you can swipe through quick, concise summaries to discover your next great read in a fun and engaging way.

A screenshot showcasing the Readpick mobile app's book overview feature, with "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel selected for demonstration.
A screenshot of the Readpick mobile app showcasing "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle as the sample book to showcase the feature how book swiping looks.
A picture showcasing my library with the user having the option to sort books into the following categories: Favourites, Have Read, Reading, Want to Read with the addition to add custom book shelfs. Two such examples are in the picture: 2024 and Summer Picks.
A step-by-step instructions how to import Goodreads Library to ReadPick.

Create your own library

Organize books with your own personalized library, where you can categorize them into Favorites, Have Read, Reading, and Want to Read sections. Customize your experience even further by creating your own unique bookshelves.

Or import your existing Goodreads library

Easily import your Goodreads library into ReadPick with detailed in-app instructions, making the transition seamless and ensuring all your book collections are right where you need them.

… with more to come!

Interested in more features?

A sketch-like illustration of seven young adults who are passionate about reading and sharing their enthusiasm for books and literature.

We’re changing the game of book reading.

We understand how valuable it is to share reading experiences with someone who understands your passion. To talk about the latest plot twist, to discuss a character’s choices, or just to share the excitement of finding a new favorite. There is nothing quite like it, right?

That’s the reason why we started ReadPick – to bring you the app you deserve.

Read More About Us

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